Registration form

All fields must be filled in


Conditions of the competition

  1. All detected species of the Western Palearctic may appear.
  2. Each person resident in Switzerland can only register once as a participant.
  3. Each registered person can determine the image of the month only once.
  4. Who properly determines the image of the month, will participate in the drawing for the price of the month.
  5. Who has properly determined all the images oft he month, will participate in the drawing for the main price.
  6. The drawing for the prices is done by the Naturama Aargau.
  7. The resolution of the images of the months and the announcement of the winners is made over the following month.
  8. Registered persons are informed monthly about the course of the competition .
  9. The e-mail addresses are not used outside Biofotoquiz.


biofotoquiz chclub300

Main sponsor


Sponsors of the month

vogelwarte haupt birdlife